How and Why Punjabi with EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems is the EK Language Metric System of New Silk Road with One Belt and Beyond as in All Continental Language Metric Systems is due to its EK Gurmukhi Origins, Roots, Etymology and Foundations as also Part of USPTO Patent for Humanity for Covid-19 and 3 USPTO WIPO PCT Applications with Proposal of WIPO TK Database and Reference Library Repository Systems
How and Why Punjabi with EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems is the EK Language Metric System of New Silk Road with One Belt and Beyond as in All Continental Language Metric Systems is due to its EK Gurmukhi Origins, Roots, Etymology and Foundations as also Part of USPTO Patent for Humanity for Covid-19 and 3 USPTO WIPO PCT Applications with Proposal of WIPO TK Database and Reference Library Repository Systems
About 30 years ago, Prof. Dr. Medlin in the Department of Mathematical Sciences in University of Adelaide in South Australia gave Credits and Distinction to Thesis Works on Philselfology in Subject of Physics, Man And Society (later as Physics, Human And Society) in 1st Year of B. Sc. (Math), it was in addition to Prof. Gill, Head, Department of Philosophy recognizing Philselfology as Philosophy bridging Science and Religion in 1990-91 with now Philfo Company in Canada and 20 Published Books.
Thus, all of it has been difficult to put it all into Practical Education, and thus even the Book in Different Genres have also been researched and written for all of it, and while later about 20 Books have also been researched, written and published on it with Greater Focus on EK Philselfology for the Philosophy (Eastern), Self (Mid East and West) and Ology (Science, Western) Streams as well.
Quick References: [1] Some Books on Philselfology Different Genres in English at Lulu POD Publishers:
Furthermore, all of it is also proposed as the EK Gurmukhi Medicine Translational Phase Alternative Systems with Modern, New, Breakthrough and Emerging Systems while using the 5D DNA Systems, and it thus also aligns AYUSH and Alternative Pathy, Therapy, Medicine and Medicinal Systems to Allopathy, the Modern Medicine Systems, while maintaining the EK Gurmukhi Medicine Translational Phase and Phasor Alternative System as well.
Furthermore, please also note that all of it is also based on the EK Hypothesis of Philselfology for the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, which was initiated by Late Prof. Harnek Singh Ji, who was also the Former Asian Champion of Volleyball, 3 Times Decathlon Champion of India and also Retired Vice-Principal of Govt. College of Physical Education of Patiala in Punjab in India as well.
He was also honored as the Best Student and Roll of Honor by Arya School Barnala, Mahindra College of Patiala (also honored as Living Legend and Living Glory), Physical Education College of Patiala, NIS of Patiala, Khalsa College of Amritsar Sahib and DAV College of Jalandhar in his lifetime, where he was also honored by Punjabi University for his Lifetime Achievements as well.
Meanwhile he wanted to be MBBS Doctor and thus he started his College Education with the Medical Subjects, but due to lack of funds and time investment needed in Sports, he could not do it and thus started Language, Arts and Philosophy in the College, and thus ended up Lecturer of Professor of Sports, who also brought up his family while carrying a dairy farm from about 1970 to about 2006, and it was run and managed by his family as well.
He educated more than 50,000 students, who settled all over the world, and it also includes Gurdas Mann, Singer and Actor and Nirmal Rishi, who is also Actress and Theater Artist, while both are also students of Sports and Physical Education as well, where Mahabir Bhullar, who is also Science Graduate Student with Master Degree in Theater, TV, Film and Media, while also doing Farming and bringing up his family in District Amritsar has also been linked to him for more than 3 decades, and is still family friend to his family and the family members as well.
In it, the Healing without medicines is the concept in which we use Multiple Therapies, the MDT to solve the problems of the Schizoid World inside us. It is also an addition and/or alternative to using excessive drugs and medicines. It can also be described more as working as a counselor in it and the consultant, where it also includes the 5D DNA Based Home Science, Cooking and Simplified Product Systems and Streams as well.
Furthermore, the first Research Thesis for it was also submitted with the Name and Term of EK Philselfology for the Philosophy (Eastern), Self (Mid East and West) and Ology (Science, Western) Streams in it with 2 Already Published Books as well.
Now, even the International University of Philselfology was initiated in 1996 with Paul Roorda from BC Canada as its First Student, we were not in a sound condition to offer our Own R&D Degrees any Certificate, Diploma and Degree as such due to Lack of Funds and Staff as well, where at that time the Alternative Medicines seemed the only source to approve this kind of Research and Development in Early 2000 for example during 2005 to 2010 to get both the MD (AM) and PhD (AM) in it.
Earlier, about 30 years ago, Prof. Dr. Medlin in the Department of Mathematical Sciences in University of Adelaide in South Australia also gave Credits and Distinction to Thesis Works on it in the Subject of Physics, Man And Society (later also changed into Physics, Human and Society) in First Year of B. Sc. (Math) in 1990-91, it was in addition to Prof. Gill, Head, Department of Philosophy recognized its Basic Statement that Philosophy bridges Science and Religion in 1990-91, and that is also where the Name and Term of Philselfology also came into origin as well.
Now, all of it is in use for Covid-19 Pandemic Solutions with Research and Product Development Systems as well.
Here, in its Discussion on the Foundations, we also discuss the Origins of the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements with Cymatics, while we also discuss about its Inventors and Founder, and that is the Inventor of EK Gurmukhi, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited these places of Origins of Different EK Theories of Elements, where he was also recognized and honored, for example in Asia as in Himalayan Regions, China, Tibet, Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Some Parts of Russia, and in Europe as in Spain, Turkey, Russia and Rome in Italy and Other European Nations.
In Europe, and further in Rome in Italy, he was honored by the Pope at the Holy City of Vatican in Rome, while all as in Eurasia (Europe and Asia Conjectures) as well, where more research is going on it, and it is also shown in Image 1 as well.
"The Roman Conclave (meeting of the Cardinals) confirms that “Nanac” (Nanak) went Rome and other Nations. This confirms the Papal Brief of 1518. Leo-X and all the cardinals have a clave (Religious meetings of cardinals). In that clave Leo-X, instructed all the christians to follow the footsteps of Nanac (Nanak), “Common Father of our race”. He instructed all the christians to thank Nanac for his practical help in Italy and elsewhere in the world. The Catholic Pope underlined Nanac’s starting Liberty of human slavery in Rome. This conclave was printed in 1609. Earlier it was a Roman manuscript."
Quick References: [1] Evidence on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Visit to Europe!
Now, all of and it can be summarized as follows:
The 35 Akhara with 35 Elements are also discussed in the Kashmir Shaiv Theory of 35 Elements, where the 36th Element is the EK Light and Sound Duality as in the EK Photon-Phonon Duality as in E=O+iA, which also creates the 35 Akhara Sounds of the 35 Elements with A+iA, the Channels of Cymatics.
Furthermore, as also stated elsewhere, the 5th Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji also extended the 35 Akharas (Letters) of EK Gurmukhi to the 52 Akharas (Letters) and thus the Bavan (52) Akhari (Letter) System as well. It may also include the 16 Vowels, for example with the Left and Right Spins, which can be collectively used on Two Letters and for EK Raga, Tala and Melody it may need Two Lines, which also give the Density Based Sound Amplitude Gains or Losses, while all of it can also be put as E=O+iA, E(A)=A+iA and E=O+i(A+iA)A as well.
The EK Gurmukhi Metric System thus also aligns the Indian and International Languages into the EK Nirukta, the Etymological Language Systems, which can be then also used in the EK Machine, Computer and AI Languages.
It also aligns to the Indian Continental Theories and Alphabets, which also uses the Wood, Coal and Metal Elements* as shown in the Image 1 as shown below:
Image 1: It is from the Quora Discussions as presented in What is the relationship between Gurmukhi, Takri, Lande, and Dogra Akkhar?
Furthermore, while, in general, the EK Gurmukhi Parental Alphabet and Scripting Metric Systems also include the following with greater focus on western and modern Alphabets as well:
Type: Abugida (
Parent System (Basic): Proto-Sinaitic
Derived Parent Systems:
1. Phoenician (the Greek Language Metric Systems belong to this Parent System:, while King Alexandra, the Great also opened the First Taxila University in Ancient Punjab as well, and the Modern Allopathy also emerged from it with First Modern and Western Technical Tekhne Technical Grammar as well, while Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also visited these Greek and Other European Regions, while earlier, the Taxila was founded as Takshashila by Lord Rama's Brother King Bharat, and as it developed into the Europe and Asia Bi-Continental Systems of Eurasia, it also received Name Ekklesia (Ecclesia) with EK or IK as Self-Identity as well, and it is EK with Cymatics as EKK with EK Call for Asian Continental Sacred Systems, while even Greece was known as Ekklesia for Eurasian Civilizations of Cymatics as well and more references can be provided for it
2. Aramaic (Lord Jesus Christ, the Founder of Christianity with his 12 Disciples spoke this language:, where one of his Disciple, Saint Thomas came to Kerala in India and Saint Peter (First Pope of Catholic Systems) went to Rome Italy, and they spread Aramaic with Christianity, and there had been One Pope from Kerala India as well, where all of it also streamed into Old Church Script, Alphabet and Language Systems, for example in Serbian Language Systems, which are used in Russia and Open and Free Flows of Prose, Poetry and Kavishri (Prose and Poetry together), Arabic, Shahmukhi, Khariboli with Hindi, Kharosthi with Pali, Siddha and Other Languages, and Gurmukhi Streams, where it is also linked to 5th D and Cymatics with Community Approach, where it also creates EK Sanskrit, Hebrew and Aramaic Streams, and then aligns to Indian Continental Alphabets, while it also aligns to the Australian and African Continental Theory of Elements as well
3. Brahmi (Lord Buddha and Buddhism is linked to this Parent Metric Systems:, while Lord Buddha was also born in Lord Rama’s Solar Dynasty, which is also known as Ikshvaku Dynasty as well
4. Gupta (Ashoka, the Great and Gupta Empire, the Golden Periods of Indian Civilizations are linked to this Parent System), where Dr. R. D. Ambedkar as also the Father and Maker of Constitution of Modern India also belong with 3 and 4 while also to the Other Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams, which can also be used in Modernization of Indian Constitution, UNO and Other National and International Constitutions and Charters of 21st Century with Singularity Dimensions of Europe and Asia as Eurasia with Axial Age civilizations, where STEM and STEAM Education with Wood, Coal and Metal Elements is also emerging, and it can also Make the World a Better Place to Live especially for the Minorities and People, who belong to Communities and also Women rather than Preferring or Prioritizing the High Castes and Classes as well
5. Śāradā (Kashmiri Pandit Communities have been using this Parent System with the Sharda Peeth Metric Systems:
6. Laṇḍā (This Parent System is linked to Punjabi, Sindhi, and Kashmiri Languages and Civilizations, while the Sikh Gurus, the Founders of EK Gurmukhi Metrics also belong to the EK Sindhi Language Metric Systems as has been used in the EK Sindhi Civilizations (,, ), where the 10 Sikh Gurus belong to the Sindhi Language Metric Systems, who also invented, researched and developed the EK Gurmukhi Script and the Metric Systems)
7. Gurmukhi (All of the above Ascending Parental Metric Systems thus ends up into the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems as started by Shri Guru Nanak and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, where the later also gave the 35 Letters, the Akhara's Based EK Gurmukhi Alphabet for the 35 Elements as described in the Patti Likhi by Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of Sikhism), where it also seems the 3 as the Aramaic with EK Raga, Tala and Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics as well, where it also uses the Kashmiri Siddha and Siddhartha Theories of Elements as in Japan with Greek Theories of Elements and thus all as the EK Greek, Gurmukhi and Mikagura Conjectures with Cymatics, which is also linked to Persian Ablaut Systems of Cymatics, while these are also used as the Old Testaments of EK Gurmukhi as well as well
Please also note that Shri Guru Nanak Dev, the Founder of Sikhism was also born in Lord Rama, Luv-Kush and Lord Buddha’s Genealogical Lineage Systems as their descendent in the Ikshvaku ( Solar Dynasty Genealogies and Family Lineages as well
The EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems also have the Sister Parent Systems: Khojki and Takri
In all of it, as India in East Gave Theory of Zero, the Greek in West Gave Theory of 1, the EK, which is balanced by Cymatics as in Aramaic Theories, which Israel Gave for both the East and the West, and it is also like the Journey of RH from Greek to India as AARA while getting AARHA from Israel with Cymatics, and thus all as the EK AARA, RH and AARHA Conjectures with Cymatics, where Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji also wrote and compiled the Prayer of Cymatics in the Form of Chaupai Benti, which is also linked to it as well.
(One may read more from the sources with thanks:,, and Blogging Research for EK Simplified Gurmukhi Metrics:
It is also present as the EK Gurmukhi Song of Alphabet in Sacred Patti Likhi Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, who invented the EK Gurmukhi Alphabet about 545 years ago, and it also uses all of the Parent, Sister and Child Alphabet Systems and Streams with Cymatics, which is also linked to the Aramaic Alphabet, Language and Music as also used by Lord Jesus Christ as well.
So, the Gurmukhi also follows the EK Evolution of World Languages, which we can determine and analyze with the help of EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems, and it does not miss the Etymological Evolution of World Languages."
In general, the EK Gurmukhi was invented on the Banks of Indus River in the Indus Valley and Sindh Civilization, and then developed with its 5 Tributary Rivers, which are also known as the Punjab, the Land of 5 Rivers, where it is also linked to Ghaggar-Hakra as the Link River of the Harappan Civilizations in the Puadha Regions, where it is also considered as the Indo-Persian Sarasvati River as also the Main Sacred River of Hindus, Parsi, Zoroastrian and Others, who are collectively called the Hindus in the Indian Constitution as well.
Quick References: [1] Sarasvati River
The Aryan Sanskrit in India is one of the Most Endangered Languages with Other Pali, Sindhi, Kashmiri Sanskrit, Siddha and even Gurmukhi as invented by the Founders, where Sanskrit is having only about 15000 Speakers.
Quick References: [1] List of endangered languages in India
The EK Gurmukhi also also balances the Aryan Sanskrit to the Indo-Persian Shahmukhi, Hindi and Hindustani while using Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit and also using the Bikrami Calendar with Bharthari Sphota and Pingal Rupak Grammar Systems of Mount Abu Civilizations, and thus it also connects and combines it to the European and Western Theories of Elements, Alphabets, Languages and Other Hundreds of Subjects and Systems as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions.
Thus, it is also the EK Gurmukhi Sapta Sindhu (7 River) Theory of Elements and Metric Systems, where EK Gurmukhi uses Sat for 7 and Nama is from Nema, the Periodicity, and thus it is also like Periodicity or Cymatics of 7 Rivers as Satinama Theory and Conjecture, which is also present in the 7 Rows of EK Gurmukhi Alphabet.
Special Remark on the EK Gurmukhi Universal Grammar of Music with Cymatics: First of all, please note all of this kind of researching and submitting to WIPO with USPTO and Other Patent Offices with Intellectual Property and Copyright Offices, while also including Facebook and Researchgate about how and why the Gurmukhi Raga, Tala and Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics is unique in the world, and thus needs to be written as Gurmukhi rather than just Punjabi as it is also Universal Grammar of Music that is also Musical Version of Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar with Minimalist Program as well.
Thus, the Masters, the MA in EK Gurmukhi Music is also comprised of MA in Indian Classical Music with Raga, MA in Hindustani Traditional Music with Tala and MA in Unified Indian Classical and Hindustani Raga and Tala as Melody with Harmonics and Cymatics with Phon, Sone and Decibel as in Psychoacoustics, where even the later three are like MA in International Classical Music of Harmonics and International Traditional Music of Cymatics with Phon, Sone and Decibel as in Psychoacoustics, which also means 6-in-1 MA's in the EK Gurmukhi Music as well.
The Harmonics and Cymatics with Phon, Sone and Decibel as in Psychoacoustics are most exclusively linked to Chimeric Coronavirus in the Covid-19 Pandemic, where it helps in Immunity Boosting and Healing Systems in the Peptides Based DNA Music and Musicology as well.
These 6 Streams of MA are also present in the Individual Streams of Traditional University Systems, for example as in EK Nirmala, Damdami, Nihang, Baba Shri Chand, Bhatt and Baba Vadbhag Singh Traditional University Conjectures, where even the Nihang Traditional University Systems also have 3 Streams from Akal Takhat Sahib, Anandpur Sahib and Hazur Sahib as well.
As also stated and discussed elsewhere, the EK Nihang Traditional University Systems move in Anticlockwise Direction in Parikrama with Blue Color Energy, and in the Japanese Sacred Systems, it is also linked to the Amaterasu Sacred Systems with the Nihang Bola Type Nihongi Language Systems, and even the Original and Etymological Name of Japan is Nihongi, and as it also follows EK Siddha Theory of Elements from Kashmiri Sharda Sanskrit, it also have the Same-Similar Etymological Names and Terms as in the EK Gurmukhi as shown in the Image 1 with Special Discussions as well.
In general, the EK Nihongi with Siddha Theory of Elements is also present in the EK Aramaic and Greek Theories of Elements, while it is also present in the Minimalist Program in the Noam Chomsky's Universal Grammar and it is also present as the AARHA Theory in the EK Greek, Aramaic and Gurmukhi Conjectures as shown in the Image 1 with Special Discussions, where it is Density Based Derivative Systems are also linked to the Janus Particle and Drop Systems, which are useful in One of the First Breakthrough Medicine Systems for Covid-19 Pandemic with the Janus Particle Systems the JAK Inhibitors as well.
Thus, all of the EK Gurmukhi Traditional University Systems also have overall 9 Streams, which also deal with EK Ayurveda, Allopathy and Alchemy Conjectures in 9 Streams with 3 Streams at each of the EK Ayurveda, Allopathy and Alchemy Streams as well. It is also like EK Jasmine Flower of Cymatics in Milk, where the Milk is also like the 3D Matter Created by Cymatics as well.
These 9 Streams together tap the EK Dome or Biodome (Gumbad), which is also known as the EK Brahmasthana (for Light Energy), Parbrahm (for Sound Energy) and Abraham (for Vibration Energy) as in the EK Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Systems, and thus the EK Brahmasthana is also the Pivotal Point of Tapping EK Cosmic Light and Life Energy Flows, where EK is also Euler God or Cosmic Music Equation Systems[3] as well, where Gurmukhi also creates the EK Gurmukhi Universal Grammar of Music with EK Cymatics as well.
In case of Focus and Meditation all of these 9-12 Streams also go with the Silent Notes with the Swara (Phonetics), Sura (Phonemics) and Saar (Allophonics) as well, where there is also 3 Streams of Akhara Word Processing with the Akhara Singing, which follows the Sargam and/or Gamut Notes of Music with Cymatics, which also creates the Vibration, Density and Density Flows with Density Based Limits and Derivatives.
All of it with Cymatics and Alchemical Density Derivative Systems is also like the Drug and Medicine Carrier and Delivery Systems and Streams, where EK Audible Axion with EK Phon, Sone and Decibel Conjectures with Acoustics, Sonics and Psychoacoustics also play an important roles, and it is also one of the Proposed Medicine and Medicinal Systems and Streams with 5th D DNA, where the Medicines May Fail without Cymatics as well.
Furthermore, in all of it, the Silent Note goes into the 3 Streams of the Swara (Phonetics), Sura (Phonemics) and Saar (Allophonics) as well, and it can be distinguished with the help of EK Cymatics, while all of it also creates the Human Focus, Concentration, and Meditation as with the Surat, Surati and Surati Di Swari (Riding with Streams of Music Notes and Word Processing), and that is also present in the EK Bit, Qubit, Qudit and D-Wave Word Processing, Computing and Programming Systems with Peptides in DNA playing the Greater Role of Cosmic Music and Musicology with Euler Identity as well.
Thus, all of it also ends up into the Euler God or Cosmic Music Equation Systems[3] as well, where EK Gurmukhi is also the EK Gurmukhi Euler God Music Grammar Systems and EK Cymatics as well, and it also includes Different World Languages as shown in Image 1 with Special Discussions, where the AARHA Vowel as the Mukta (Free Flow or without Friction) Vowel is also present as the Channel of Cymatics as well.
These EK Gurmukhi Streams while using EK Theory of Elements with EK Cymatics as further with the EK Phonetic, Phonemic and Allophonic Systems with EK Cymatics are also present as the EK Bit, Qubit and Qudit Computing Systems with Quantum Ion Trap Computing as in the D-Wave Hybrid Computing Systems, where it also accompanies the Physical Micro Bit Systems.
It also requires the Single, One and Unified International University System of Computing with STEM and STEAM Education (STEM with Arts), Training, Research and Development with 3D Printing Manufacturing Systems and Streams, where FDA Type International Authorities and Agencies can also be present while both Online and Offline as well, where further all of these also help in Selection, Purposing and Repurposing of Drugs, Medicines and Nutraceutical Product Systems as also required in the Covid-19 Pandemic as well.
So, accordingly and otherwise, the individual maintain and preserve it all in the Individual Streams of Traditional Buildings, which are also known as the Gurdwara Sahibs with EK Akshara with TOE, Akhara with GUT (Facing Endangerment and Extinction Levels) and Achhara with Fifth Force Conjectures with Cymatics as well.
"Thus, these Minar (Minaret), Bunga and Gumbad (Domes) are also like the EK Biodome Systems, which are Unique for Every World Language with its EK Theory of Elements with Cymatics, and all of it have been most commonly used in Holy Gurdwara Harmandir Sahib, where it is also like Light, Sound and Vibration Energy Tapping Systems for Acoustics and Auditorium Systems, while also in the Multimedia Systems as well.
Furthermore, all of it also applies to the Modern Auditoriums and Studios with even Multimedia Systems, while it can be used anywhere for Energy Tapping, Harmonizing and Harvesting, while even with Nanometric Channels for its Modernization, where its addition to Microchannels can also create Janus Mesometric Channels, which also support the Life Energy Systems as well." (It is discussed more in the rest of the blog post and other blog posts the series)
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